Level Population Ratios
This webpage contains all the necessary information to determine the electron number density from level population ratios of various ions at certain temperatures.
For the elements listed below, each clickable ion will direct to plots and tables containing information on specific line transitions and population ratios.
1) The line transition tables contain wavelengths, oscillator strengths, Gaunt factors, energy levels and ion numbers.
2) The population ratio tables have the population ratios between an excited energy level and the ground energy level for a given ion. All population ratios were calculated using the CHIANTI 8.0.7 database. CHIANTI is a collaborative project involving George Mason University, the University of Michigan (USA), and the University of Cambridge (UK).
3) The population ratio plots show the ratio as a function of electron number density for specific temperatures. Each ion will have four different plots for a given ratio. In each plot, we show population ratios as a function of electron number density for five temperatures. The first and second plots are the population ratios in linear and log values, respectively, for the first group of temperatures. The third and fourth plots are the population ratios in linear and log values, respectively, for the second group of temperatures.
Click on the appropriate ion to access plots, line lists and population ratio tables.
Here is an example plot.
Here is an example table.
Supplemental tables
Completed H table