The Lab storage system uses a code (such as C1.1) to indicate the storage location. The mobile storage carts labeled are labeled with a C. The shelf and cabinet locations are labeled with either an "A" or a "B". The large cart that hold the Pasco tracks, Air tracks, and Air tables are labeled with a "T". The mobile storage carts labeled C1-C19 are stored in room 103A. The mobile storage carts labeled C20-C35 are stored in room 103B. A storage location labeled "C1.1" would mean an item was stored on cart #1 in CHEMP 103A on the first shelf from the top.
The shelf and cabinet locations in CHEMP 103A are labeled with an "A" followed by a number such as "A2.2". "A2.2" would mean the second shelf down from the top of the A2 section. The shelf and cabinet locations in CHEMP 103B are labeled with a "B" followed by a number such as "B2.2". "B2.2" would mean the second shelf down from the top of the B2 section.
Virginia Tech Physics Lab Setup List