[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations


M05: Methods for Measuring Motion


Purpose: To measure motion in various situations.



Sonic Motion detector

The sonic motion detector is very useful in measuring the motion of objects in real time when a string can not be attached to the object. It is limited in its resolution to a few centimeters which is usually good for most qualitative and many quantitative demonstrations.

Demonstrations used in: M01, M81, M82, M87



Photogates can give very accurate measurements of the time that an object takes to pass through the gate.

Demonstrations used in: M24


Rotary Motion Sensor

The rotary motion sensor can measure angular motion to 0.25 degrees. If a string is wrapped around the pulley the distance moved can be resolved to better than 1 millimeter.

Demonstrations used in: M78, M79, M84, M91, F09, H58

Equipment List: Storage Location: HAHN N 130A


Sonic Motion Detector D1.4
  Photogates F4.3
  Rotary Motion Sensor D1.1


Manual: None   Setup Notes: M05 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Pasco Other school's Demonstration web pages



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