[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations

Waves & Sound

W04: Displaying Sounds


Purpose: To display the time varying signal from a microphone. The program can be used to display any sound source in the audible range. The program can also produce sounds through the computer's speakers.



1. Pasco Science Workshop 750 interface connected to the lecture computer.

2. Pasco DataStudio Software with the WavePort add-on installed.

3. Pasco Sound sensor connected to Analog Channel A.

Copy the DataStudio setup "w04_1.ds" found in the demonstration folder of the scratch drive to a location that you can easily access. This file can then be modified as needed to display sound as desired.


Equipment List: Storage Location: Hahn N 130A


Pasco Sound Sensor B2.1


Manual: Online

  Setup Notes: W04 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Pasco Other school's Demonstration web pages



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