Associate Professor
Phone: +1 540-231-0240
Address: 850 W. Campus Dr, Blacksburg, VA 24061
2024/04/24 - Heston successfully defended. Congratulations, Dr. Heston!
2024/04/15 - Ekanger successfully defended. Congratulations, Dr. Ekanger!
2024/03/29 - Carrillo presented her work at SPS Zone 4 meeting
2024/03/27 - paper on galactic center gamma-rays led by former student Song accepted for publication
2024/03/18 - paper on radio synchrotron background co-authored by Heston accepted for publication
2024/03/07 - paper on supernova progenitors led by Healy accepted for publication
2024/01/01 - paper on diffuse supernova neutrino background led by Ekanger accepted for publication
2023/10/28 - Carrillo wins Fall Undergraduate Research Award Competition organized by the Virginia Academy of Science
2023/09/15 - review paper on Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background accepted for publication
2023/07/31 - paper on kilonovae led by Ekanger accepted for publication
2023/07/15 - Ekanger and Heston attended the N3AS summer school
2023/05/25 - welcome Bravo who joins our group as an intern over summer 2023
2023/04/14 - Ekanger, Healy, and Heston presented at APS April Meeting
brief academic history
A detailed C.V. including publication list is available here.
Center for Neutrino Physics, Department of Physics, Virginia Tech
2020 -- : Associate Professor
2014 -- 2020 : Assistant Professor
Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo
2022 -- : Visiting Scientist
2021 -- 2022 : Project Associate Professor
Center for Cosmology, University of California, Irvine
2012 -- 2014 : JSPS Postdoctoral & McCue Fellow
Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, Ohio State University
2009 -- 2012 : CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellow
Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Tokyo
2005 -- 2009 : Ph.D. Physics
research interests
I am an associate professor at the Department of Physics at Virginia Tech, and a member of Center for Neutrino Physics. My main research interests lie at the interface of high-energy astrophysics and particle physics. I spend my time thinking about the the physics of supernova explosions and particle dark matter, and how they could be studied by high-energy cosmic messengers, from photons and cosmic rays to neutrinos.
With the rapid rise of multi-messenger astronomy, much progress is expected in the next decades. My work is primarily focused on providing theoretical input to what can be learnt in astronomical observatories & neutrino experiments and the implications of the results, for both particle physics and astrophysics. Here is an example review article concerning supernova neutrinos. I am also increasingly exploring the detectability of our theoretical predictions, which involves making use of astronomical observations. I am a member of the SuperNova Early Warning System which is providing the astronomical community a prompt alert of an imminent Milky Way core-collapse event, to complete multi-messenger observations of the supernova across the electromagnetic spectrum, in neutrinos, and in gravitational waves.
In addition, we often participate in NSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site running at the Virginia Tech physics department. The program covers a broad spectrum of research within neutrino physics. To learn more, including applications, please see the website.
Our research is supported by DOE, NSF, JSF, and JSPS.
our team
We have a great team of postdocs and students! Current members are:
Garv Chauhan, postdoctoral researcher
Gonzalo Herrera, postdoctoral researcher
Nick Ekanger, graduate student
Sean Heston, graduate student
Sarah Healy, graduate student
Andrew Caruso, graduate student
Xiaolin Qi, graduate student
Maria Carrillo, undergraduate student
Aileen Aizenshtat, undergraduate student
Yash Agarwal, undergraduate student
Matthew Bravo, high-school student intern
Nakamura, Horiuchi, et al., Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 461 (2016) 3, 3296-3313 [arXiv link]
Ando, Ekanger, Horiuchi, Koshio,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy [arXiv link]
Healy, Horiuchi, et al., Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. submitted [arXiv link]
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