Enter approximate RA Dec of center of image

Enter the Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec) coordinates of the center of the image. Only approximate coordinates are necessary. The program uses these coordinates during it's intermediate steps; the resulting RA and Dec for the object (e.g., asteroid) is not strongly dependent upon the exact values of these coordinates.

For all entries stick with coordinates for one "epoch" --- "2000" coordinates, for example. Then the resulting coordinates for the object will be in that coordinate system.

Note the format: hh mm ss.sss... ±dd mm ss.sss..., and the example entry. The hh mm ss.sss... values are the RA, where hh is the number of hours (e.g., 23, or 04), mm is the number of minutes (e.g, 31), and ss.sss... is the number of seconds, including any decimal fraction of a second (e.g., 34.44, or 42.56345). The ±dd mm ss.sss... values are the Dec, where ±dd is the number of degrees, including a sign (e.g, +14, or -23), mm is the number or arcseconds (e.g., 35, or 12), and ss.sss... is the number of arcseconds, including any decimal fraction of an arcsecond (e.g, 23.45). The only rule in entering these values is that each value must be separated from the others by one or more spaces.

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