Green Bank, WV
April 6, 2002

These are two pictures of the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). This is the largest steerable telescope in the world!

The first picture is the group in front of the GBT. The second is a picture of the 140 foot telescope. This is the largest equatorial mounted telescope. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts it is no longer operational.

This is the group in front of one of the smaller 40 foot telescope that they let us try out. The control room is inside the small building on the left.

This is the inside of the 40 foot control room.

This is Karina leaning against the 40 foot telescope we were allowed to play with. Look how big the small telescope looks!

This is Karina inside the laser room playing with other people equipement.

This is a final shot of all the telescopes. Dead center is the GBT. To the left is the 140 foot and on the right are a few of the smaller telescopes.


These pages maintained by Carol Thornton .
Last Update:  January 23, 2003