Alumni- Group Pictures


Research Themes: Time Resolved Spectroscopy

Examples of Current Research Interests

Movies of the experimental labs:

Recent News From Group Members:

Yannick Pleimling: Recievd 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Medallion Award as well 2023 Goldwater Scholrship. Selected 2024 outstanding College of Science Student.

Nicholas Smith: Received the National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Currently at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences.

Rathsara Herath: After graduation she joint Intel in Portanld Oregon.


Giti A. Khodaparast

Professor of Physics

Experimental Condensed Matter

Department of Physics Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061

Tel: 540-231-8729

Fax: 540-231-7511


Current and Past Funding Resources

NSF: Division of Material Research,

Jeffress Trust Fund,

AFOSR Young Investogator Award

The Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science at VT (ICTAS) ,

NSF: Division of Material Research (CAREER Award),

AFOSR (Materials with Extreme Properties)

L. C. Hassinger Fellowship in Nanoscience



Ph.D., Physics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rice University, Houston, Texas

2002- Present: User, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida , National High Magnetic Field

2001- 2004: User, Stanford Picosecond Free Electron Laser Center, Stanford, California

2001-Present: User, Megagauss Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Japan, International MegaGauss Science Laboratory

Fellow of OPTICA, Formerly Optical Sociaty of America

Outreach: APS Conference for Undergradute Women in Physics at Virginia Tech: News

CUWiP 2017 Conference Website

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