Spring 2001

This week's feature: "Nanomagnetics"

False-color magnetic image of single-domain magnetic nanostructures
From Evoy et al., Cornell Univ


S. Evoy (ECE), 1-3204, 460 Whittemore,, Homepage

R. Heflin (Physics), 1-4504, 108 Robeson,, Homepage

Lectures: TH 9:30-10:45 am, 101 Robeson

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Course Syllabus

Lecture Transparencies (password protected)

Quiz Answers

Coursepack Table of Contents
Note: Several papers (B7, B14, D2, D7) were removed from the Coursepack prior to printing because of exorbitant copyright fees.
B7 can be found at the web address in the Coursepack Table of Contents.
B14 will not be covered.
Also note that paper B3 was inadvertently placed in section E of the Coursepack.

The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long -- about the size of a single cell -- with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide.
Made by Cornell University researchers from crystalline silicon, it demonstrates a new technology for a new generation of electromechanical devices.

Other Useful and Interesting Links:

General Nanotechnology Links

U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

"Nanostructure Science and Technology" Report

Topic-Specific Links

Scanning Probe Microscopy

Digital Instruments - SPM Manufacturer

Digital Instruments' SPM Notes

Univ. of Bristol SPM Group - Click "Research" and "Image Gallery" for some goodies

Last update: 26 March 2001