PHYS 4574
Spring 2007

Welcome to the homepage for PHYS 4574 - Nanotechnology

Instructor: R. Heflin (Physics), 1-4504, 107 Robeson,, Homepage

Lectures: TH 5:00-6:15 pm, 112 Robeson

"Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology"


I hope that all of you are doing okay.
Class will resume on Tuesday, 24 April.
The fourth writing assignment (optional in keeping with university policy) will be due on Tuesday, 1 May.
There will not be a fifth quiz or final presentation.
You will have the option of doing the final team paper.
I will continue to lecture on material that I hope you will find interesting,
but you will not be responsible for the material in any way.
Final grades will be determined according to the policy described here .

Course Syllabus

Lecture Transparencies and Readings (password protected)

List of Optional Supplementary Reading Material (This list will be revised as we get to each section - check it regularly.)

Other Useful and Interesting Links:

General Nanotechnology Links

U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative

"Nanostructure Science and Technology" Report