[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations

Electricity & Magnetism

E40: Magnetic Field Lines


Purpose: To demonstrate the magnetic field lines that surround a current carrying conductor and a solenoid.



It consists of a coilboard pierced by a solenoid and the two current carrying wires leading to it. A low voltage high current D.C. power supply provides the source of current (e.g., car battery).

Place the board on the Cannon Document camera. Switch to 12V setting and turn on the power supply. Turn knob until current is about 10A (just under the red). Sprinkle iron filings
on the board. Gently tap the board with a pencil until the filing align with the magnetic field.

Caution: Do not leave the power supply on for extended periods of time since the current is very large and thing really heat up.

Equipment List: Storage Location: Hahn N 130A


Coil Board B5.3
  Iron filings B5.3
  High curent 0-12VDC variable power supply C1.3
  One red, one black banana plugs D.H


Manual: None   Setup Notes: E40 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): VT Other school's Demonstration web pages



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