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Quantum Information Science, Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Optics

Entangled graph states

Measurement-based quantum information processing requires the upfront creation of a highly entangled state of qubits, known as graph states, as they can be represented graphically (the circles denote qubits and the lines denote entanglement). We are interested in the deterministic creation of photonic graph states for quantum computation and quantum communications using appropriately designed quantum emitters.

Superconducting qubits

Superconducting qubits are currently frontrunners in the quest for quantum computing hardware. One of the challenges they present is their nearly-harmonic spectrum, which accentuates the inherent competition between spectral selectivity and decoherence. By developing and using quantum control techniques, we design entangling quantum gates that are both short and of high fidelity.

Driven nonequilibrium spins

Driven nonequilibrium spins exhibit distinct rich physics. The interplay of drive, spin-spin interactions and interaction with the environment enables phenomena such as dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). In low-dimensional spin systems such as quantum dots and two-dimensional systems, DNP can lead to feedback effects on the electron spins. We are interested in developing techniques to describe the quantum behavior of such systems and to explain and predict experiments.

Spin qubits

Spins in semiconductors, such as defect spins (NV center in diamond, deep centers in silicon carbide) and quantum-dot confined spins are of interest for quantum information technologies, such as quantum communications, quantum sensing, and quantum computing. We study the physics of such systems and their interaction with optical and microwave fields, as well as their nuclear spin environment. We are also interested in spin-photon interfaces and deterministic creation of entanglement.