Quantum Field Theory, I-II
PHYS 6455 - 6456, FALL 2024, SPRING 2025

Welcome to the web page for the course "Quantum field theory".

General class info
Tentative syllabus

Go here for homework assignments.


The class will meet Mon and Wed from 4:00 - 5:15 pm in Rob 122.

Office hours will be Mon and Fri, 12:30-2. I'm also happy to chat anytime I'm free.

My lecture notes (the class text) will be available from a local copy shop soon.

No class on Mon Oct 7 or Wed Oct 9.

Not only is working on the homework in groups permitted, in fact it is encouraged. If you aren't already part of a study group, then I encourage you to join or form one. After all, one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get questions answered and get a deeper understanding of the material is to consult your peers.

Supplementary material: The following books contain supplementary material. We will not be following them, but if you find something difficult to understand in my notes, one of them may be helpful.

Although most are at the library, I have not put them on reserve, so please be polite to your classmates and don't check them out unless you absolutely must (in which case, return them ASAP).

All of the books above are oriented towards high-energy theory. A few that are oriented towards QFT in condensed matter physics are



Last modified: August 16, 2010.
ersharpe at phys