Borexino Internal Source Insertion System

This page will house various documents, procedures, photographs, etc. that pertain to the ongoing
design, fabrication, testing, and installation of the internal source insertion system.  This page will obviously
not be updated as regularly as our designs and ideas change, therefore, if you want the most up-to-date
information please email, or call, Bruce, Matt or myself (Steve).

If you are looking for the justification for internal sources, and the insertion system to insert them into the detector, I will refer you to Henning Back's PHD dissertation.  Chapters four and five deal with these issues explicitly.

Below are a few of the many documents produced by VT members throughout the design, testing, and installation of the system.  I will add more of them as they become available. For any additional information, the author(s) are listed for each document, you may find our contact info on the VT Members page. There are many design decisions that have been made in lab notebooks, chalk boards, personal communications, etc., thus making it impossible to document them all here, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of us.

Insertion System Procedures (Steve Hardy, Bruce Vogelaar): DOC   PDF  

Appendix A : Camera System Operations Manual (Bruce Vogelaar): DOC   PDF   PS

Appendix B : Camera System Hardware (Henning Back): PDF   PS (Subset of Chapter 6 of Henning Back's PhD Dissertation)

Appendix C : Gas Control System Software (Bruce Vogelaar); Coming Soon

Appendix D : Gas Control System Hardware (Steve Hardy): PDF  PS Newly Updated (March 2, 2007)

Appendix D' : List of Hardware Components (Steve Hardy): PDF More of an internal document detailing every nut, bolt, washer, etc., for the glovebox system

Reference A : CR4 Filling Stations P&ID: PDF

Reference B : Military Standard 1246: PDF    PS

Reference C : Insertion System P&ID: PDF Formatted for A3 Paper

All PDFs In One Zip File: .tgz    .zip (Windows)

Schematic of glovebox & gas handling system (Bruce): PDF

Tech note on sealing options for glovebox (Steve Hardy): PDF

Tech note on the hardware and electronics for the tether counter (Steve Hardy), electronics have changed significantly, but basic idea is still the same: PDF

CAD Drawings of various components
Click on thumbnail for full size images
CAD drawings created using SolidWorks 2005.  Contact Steve Hardy if you want the most recent files.

Rod Holder exploded view

Top feedthru flange exploded

6 way cross exploded

Glovebox exploded (~90% accurate)

Alternate Glovebox exploded view (~90% accurate)

Glovebox Assembly (~90% accurate)

Glovebox section view (~90% accurate)

Top hat exploded

Rod seal exploded

Tube seal exploded

Tether Storage Unit (~90% accurate)

Tether storage section (~90% accurate)

Tether Counter Housing

Tether Counter Housing Alternate View

Cross with Liquid Level Monitor

Radioactive Source Coupler


Below are photographs of the some of the actual components during their testing stages.  I do not have photographs of many of them since they are already electropolished and packaged for shipping, but I will upload pictures once they are unpacked and installed in Gran Sasso.

Miscellaneous Hardware Pictures
Click on thumbnails for full size images

Glovebox panels clamped together
shortly after their fabrication

Glovebox support frame to be placed
atop the 6 way cross

Tophat for glovebox just
after welding

Rod storage base

Matt & Athans doing some
assembly work

Matt taking some measurements

Glovebox during tests for optimum
glove positions.

Glovebox assembly in progress in the HdM CR

Tether drum and tether counter installed in HdM CR

6 way cross installed in HdM CR

Top flange installed in HdM CR

Cross and temporary mounting in HdM CR
Note the insertion rod and tether tube inside of the cross


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Last Updated : December 6, 2006
Steve Hardy