The source of UCN for the A-correlation experiment is a tungsten spalation target which is hit by the proton beam from the LANSCE accelerator. The interaction of the beam with the target produces a large pulse of neutrons which have to be cooled to become UCN. The cooling is done in several steps: first with cold beryllium and polyethylene reflector and moderator, then by solid deuterium via a phonon interaction. Once the UCN are created they move through a 58Ni coated stainless steel guide out of the shielding area and into the experiment hall. Once in the hall the neutrons are polarized with a seven tesla superconducting magnet. This is where the main part of the Virginia Tech responsibility starts; after polarization the guides must be non conducting and non-magnetic. The next section of guide takes the polarized UCN into the decay spectrometer which is in a four meter one telsa superconducting solenoid. The polarized UCN align in the solenoid field and when they decay the resulting electron is then caught in a detector at either end of the decay trap. The results are then analyzed to find the A-correlation. |