Equipment List:
- Lab Pro Interface With the following items:
- Temeprature Probe 1 #1 Analog CH1
- Temperature Probe 2 #2 Analog CH2
- Steam Generator
- Power Cord For the Steam Generator
- Stirring Setup:
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Magnetic Stirrer Power Supply
- Stir Bar
- Aluminum Can Holder (not yet in database)
- Metal Stirring Frame (not yet in database)
- Aluminum Gas Law Can
- Aluminum Gas Law Can Stopper
- 2 x Measuring cup
- Double Walled Glass Vessel
- Brass Cylinder
- Tongs
- StyrofoamCalorimeter
- 1 pair of Insulated Gloves
- 1 x box of Paper Towels per table
- Tongs
General Class Use:
- Ice Crusher
- Graduated Cylinder
- Two Cooler
- Two DI Water
- A Digital Wall Thermometer attached to the wall in each room.
- More Paper Towels
Notes and tests:
- Make sure at each station you put a labeled probe in Ch.1 and an unlabled probe in Ch.2.
- Open the file "Lab12a.xmbl" in the Class Notes/2216 Setup files/Lab 12 folder. Check that the temperature probes read data.
- Open the file "Lab12b.xmbl" in the Class Notes/2216 Setup files/Lab 12 folder. Fully submerge the immersion heater in the water when testing. Failure to do so will break them! In the program create one pulse with the heat pulser and make sure the immersion heater heats up.
- Fill the hot water pots with tap water. Don't turn them on until an hour or two before the lab starts.