Equipment List:
- 850 Interface with:
- Mechanical Vibrator (AKA Wave driver) plugged into Output 1 using:
- Red Banana Cord... plugged into the red socket.
- Black Banana Cord plugged into the black socket.
- 250 cm of elastic string with loops tied on both ends
- medium universal clamp
- Large universal clamp
- right angle clamp
- 45 cm rod
- Hanging Mass set with the following masses:
- 1 x 5g hanging mass
- 1 x 10g hanging mass
- 2 x 20g hanging mass
- 2 x 50g hanging mass
- 1 x 100g hanging mass
- 2 x 200g hanging mass
- 1 x 500g hanging mass
- 50g mass hanger
- 2 x sliding pointer (AKA Ninja Stars)
- 2 meter stic
- Meter Stick Feet
- Pulley on a Loading...
General Class Use :
Notes and tests:
- Set the equipment back from the front edge of the table about half the width of the table, and bring the mouse and keyboard in front of the setup.
- Set it up such that the wave driver is on the side of the table closest to the lab interface.
- Place the pulley so it is about level with the knot tied at the other end.
- Place one of the pointers past the support near the pulley. Place the other pointer between the two supports.
- Load the test file and turn on the mechanical vibrator in the signal generator control panel.
- If the wave driver oscillates, then exit the program. If not, then check the wiring.
- Make sure when the mass holder hangs over the pulley with no extra weight the knot is not on the pulley and when you add 300g to the mass holder is does not touch the floor (if only barely).
- Test Case: With a 150 g mass a frequency of about 10.6 Hz should create the second harmonic.