[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations

Electricity & Magnetism

E13: Two Potato Clock


Purpose: To show that two disimilar metals in an electrolite can produce an electric potential



Learn About the Galvanic Energy in Vegetables, Fruits and More:

Insert the zinc and copper bimetallic probes of this electric clock into potatoes (or apples, cucumbers-even salt water or soda pop) and watch as the digital readout comes alive. Hours, minutes, seconds and date are resettable on the clock's red plastic base.

Works without vegtables using simple tap water. Instructor provide his/her own potatos if desired

Specify in the comment box if you want to use the close-up camera to display the clock.

Equipment List: Storage Location: Hahn N 130A


Two Potato Clock with electrodes C3.4


Manual: None

  Setup Notes: E13 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Sargent-Welch #WLS19137 Other school's Demonstration web pages



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