Postdoc Position
The Virginia Tech group on applied neutrino science is seeking applicants for one post-doctoral research position in nuclear non-proliferation broadly defined, with a focus on novel applications of neutrinos in this area. A Ph.D. in physics, nuclear engineering or related disciplines by the start date is required, and a demonstrated ability to carry out independent research is expected.
This position is part of a consortium for Monitoring, Technology and Verification (MTV) funded by the U.S. DOE National Nuclear Security Administration. The MTV comprises 14 universities and and 12 national laboratories and the successful candidate will have the opportunity for extended research stays at participating institutions.
The applied neutrino science group is led by Dr. Patrick Huber and hosted within the Center for Neutrino Physics that consists of more than a dozen faculty in both theory and experiment. The primary duties of the position will consist of research in applied science directed towards enhancing non-proliferation capabilities, writing peer-reviewed publications and presenting research results to a wider research community both regionally and internationally.
How To Apply
Please, go to the VT Applicant Site and follow the instructions there. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Email: pahuber (AT) Phone: (+1) 540 231 8727