Dr. Vinh Quang Nguyen
Associate Professor of Physics
Office: Rm223, Robeson Hall,
Tel: (540)231-3158;
Lab: (540)231-8190 (118 Hahn North)
Lab: (540)231-9849 (116 Hahn North)
Fax: (540)231-7511
Email: Vinh (AT)
2009-2012: Project scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara
2004-2009: Senior research scientist, Dutch Free Electron Laser - FELIX,
FOM Institute for Plasma "Rijnhuizen", The Netherlands
PhD., Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Vinh Xuan Ho
Postdoctoral researcher
Email: vinhxho1 (AT)
Dr. Abhishek Singh
Postdoctoral researcher
Email: abhisheks (AT)
Dr. Huong Hoang
Email: bolohuong (AT)
Leslie Howe
Graduate student researcher,
Email: lhowe97 (AT)
Jiarong Cui (Travis)
Graduate student researcher,
Email: jiarong8 (AT)
Nusrat Jahan
Graduate student researcher,
Email: nusrat (AT)
Tharindu Damesha
Graduate student researcher,
Email: tharindudameshar (AT)
Kalani Ellepola
Graduate student researcher,
Email: kalanie (AT)
Dr. Yifei Wang
Email: yifei8 (AT)
PhD thesis
Dr. Luan Doan
Email: luandoan (AT)
PhD thesis
Dr. Chengyuan Wen
Postdoctoral researcher
Email: abhisheks (AT)
Dr. Deepu Koshy George
Office: Rm222 C-D, Robeson Hall,
PhD., Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2013
Now at State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Ali Charkhesht
Email: alicht (AT)
PhD thesis
Deepali Shirsekar
Graduate student, researcher,
Email: sdeepali (AT)
Master thesis
Djamila Lou
Undergraduate student, researcher,
Email: djamila (AT)
Zachary Henschel
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: zhenschel (AT)
Prashant Pradhan
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: ppras17 (AT)
Yizhou Wang
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: anyclub (AT)
Yui Clifford
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: yuic (AT)
Brendan Ryan
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: brendanr (AT)
Marshall Alexander
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: mdh26032 (AT)
Steve Dail
Undergraduate student, researcher, Email: steved12 (AT)
Matthew Hawkins
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: mdh26032 (AT)
John Rahmani
Undergraduate student, researcher, now at University of Southern California, email: johnr4 (AT)
Sam Berk
Undergraduate student, researcher, now at Oregon Health and Science University, School of Medicine, email: sjb (AT)
Kristen Fread
Undergraduate student, researcher, now at University of Virginia, Department of Biomedical Engineering, email: Krisf (AT)
Alex Potter
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: alexmp (AT)
Erica Grant
Undergraduate student, researcher, email: ericag6 (AT)
Rachel Elliott
Graduate student, researcher, email: rae1313 (AT)
Cali Max Adelman
Undergraduate student, researcher,email: flypkey (AT)