Revised 08/26/2019

Physics 2216 Laboratory Equipment List

Lab 7: Electric Current & Electric Circuits

John Smith testing the circuit with the old Hedgehog power supply

"John Smith testing the circuit with the old Hedgehog power supply"

Equipment List:

  1. 2216 Circuit Board with:
    • C14 (2.47V) bulb in all three sockets.
    • 2 x D Cell Battery, one in each Battery Holder.
  2. Red banana plug cord
  3. Black banana plug cord
  4. Black alligator clips
  5. Red alligator clips
  6. Telegraph Switch
  7. 2 x Autorange Multimeter
  8. Current Limited Power Supply
  9. A "Bento Box" of the following supplies:
    • Collection of Alligator cables:
      • 3 Red Alligator to Alligator.
      • 3 Black Alligator to Alligator.
      • 2 Green Alligator to Alligator.
      • 2 White Alligator to Alligator.
      • 2 Yellow Alligator to Alligator.
      • 2 Blue Alligator to Alligator.
    • Pencil Sharpener
    • Pack of Colored Pencils
    • 5 x 10cm Jumper Wire
    • 5 x 25cm Jumper Wire
    • 5 x Light Element
    • 5 x C14 (2.47V) bulb
    • Variable Resistor

Notes and tests:

  1. Check that all the bulbs in the circuit boards work
  2. Check the contents of the Bento boxes. Verify that all components are in good shape and that the pencils are greater than half their original length.
  3. Test the battery before each use. All batteries should test at the 80% level or better.
  4. Test that all power supplies and ammeters work properly.
The whole table properly set up and tidy.

This is what your table should look like once set up

Additional Images below:

Rachel testing bulbs in the circuit board with an exaggerated smile on her face.

Make sure you test each buld at the correct voltage...and have fun!

Zoomed in on the right side of the table with the alligators coiled neatly and the banana cables pllugged into the power supply

Here's an idea of how to keep the wires tidy