[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Revised 07/18/2016

Physics 2305 Laboratory Equipment List

Lab 8: Two Dimensional Collisions

Transition notes:

  1. Everything goes, no more tracks!
  2. Air Tables!

Equipment List:

  1. Dell Computer using LoggerPro (no interface needed)
  2. Large Universal Clamp
  3. Rod, Threaded - 45cm
  4. Rod - 90cm
  5. Right Angle Clamp
  6. USB Webcam
  7. Air Table. For centrally powered tables you will also need:
    • Tee Junction screwed into the airtable
    • Hoses - Large
    • Rubber Stopper used to plug the other side of the Tee Junction.
  8. 2 x Puck - Large. Numbered as follows:
    1. With a small peice of red tape
    2. With a small peice of blue tape
  9. Vernier Caliper
  10. RulerMetric_30cm

Notes and tests:

  1. Open set up file and test the camera's connection.
  2. Make sure the camera is clamped at a good position and height above the air table so the entire table just fits in the frame.
  3. Level the camera so that its viewing angle is as perpendicular to the plane of the camera as possible
  4. Level the air table
Objects subject to Left/Right Reflection

This is what your table should look like once set up (Note: the table could also be blue)

Additional Images below:

Camera attached to threaded rod which is attached to 90 cm rod with right angle clamp

The Camera (C10.1) should be mounted this way

so that gravity pulls it into place.

Stand in image of a galaxy. Should be The small puck and the large pucks, one large puck has red tape on it and is labelled 1 the other large puck has blue tape on it and is labelled 2.

The pucks. Note, the small puck is no longer used (C10.2)