Other Interesting Targets for Follow-Up Back to Interesting Follow-up Targets
By: Sarah True & Ben

This list contains a set of interesting targets for UV follow up with HST/COS, identified from the HST/FOS and FUSE snapshot programs as well as programs present in the MAST archive. This search covers over 90 % of the AGNs observed in the UV domain in the archive.  We performed a careful examination of the available spectra of each source and list the objects in which interesting features may be detected with a higher S/N, higher resolution spectrograph. Rolling over the target name will show an explanation of what made the object exciting to our group.

NOTE: GALEX flux data in cgs units of 10^-15 ergs/s/cm2/A.

Target Name
Alternate NameRA (2000)DEC (2000)zGALEX flux: FUVGALEX flux: NUVFromFlag
in FOS: wide CIV + NV; CVZ; => in COS range maybe: SIV, NIII + SIV* and NIII* = 2MASS J17044138+6044305. PROPOSED IN HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION
3C351.0=1704+60817 04 41.30+60 44 30.000.37111.721Bechtold et al. 2002A
in FOS: very weak SiIV, no CIV, but flux high enough. =2MASS J13121775+3515210. PROPOSED FOR HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION
PG1309+35513 12 17.70+35 15 21.000.18413.95967.59155Bechtold et al. 2002B-
wide troughs but less than 1000km/s. In FOS range: CIV, NV, SiIV. =2MASS J03523055-0711022. PROPOSED FOR HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION
0350-071903 52 30.56-07 11 02.000.962Bechtold et al. 2002B+
CII is there, NIII too + maybe NIII*. =87GB 225140.5+112042. PROPOSED IN HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION.
PG2251+11322 54 10.43+11 36 38.620.3258.177804.51615Bechtold et al. 2002B+
In FUSE range: SVI, NeVIII, OIV etc in the spectrum, with COS we will see: SVI too, NIII and NIII*. The object is bright (Flux 10e-15 ergs/s/cm2/A). 2MASS J10072609+1248562. PROPOSED IN HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION.
PG1004+13010 07 26.09+12 48 56.210.241Jerry's FUSE sampleA
Maybe some NeVIII, OIV and OIV* probably no NIII. VV2000-J110539.8+342535. PROPOSED FOR HST CYCLE 19 FOR COS OBSERVATION. NOTE: FUSE too noisy => exploratory obs for COS (=1 orbit)
11 05 39.82+34 25 34.670.517.110464.90828Jerry's FUSE sampleA
Low flux, OIII at low velocity, strong NeVIII
PG0935+41609 38 57.00+41 28 21.301.940.98125Bechtold et al. 2002C
not an outflow: CII but no CII*
09 19 57.60+51 06 09.620.5535.73194.15804Bechtold et al. 2002C
we have SiII and CII but no CII* => looks intervening
04 56 08.93-21 59 09.540.53411.52689.40966Bechtold et al. 2002C+
Good target to keep in mind for the future. 2 big NeVIII systems near -1200 and -1600 km/s. No trace of OIV. OIII tough to identify.
06 30 02.50+69 05 040.3724.179313.4369Jerry's FUSE sample
In Jerry FUSE: strong NIV (?), + NeVIII. In Stocke too:OVI, NeVIII BUT the NIV disappeared... => not a really good target to look at in future.
09 58 20.90+32 24 020.535.765015.0858Jerry's FUSE sample
SVI, NeVIII etc... COS can give us NIII*, the problem is that CIII is probably not in the spectrum, and NIII seems to be there but it is hard to tell.
11 18 10.60-17 51 590.2217.81419.03786Jerry's FUSE sample
we would see OIII in COS. But priority B because we can't see much => ask Jerry for his ID to see if he's got a good match, in the end there is not much to see. Priority C.
01 37 41.30+33 09 350.373.228332.39636Jerry's FUSE sampleC
Not really easy to see anything in the FUSE spectrum. The OIV trough at 1102A observed frame (=0 velocity in the rest frame) is only obvious in OIV.
15 45 30.20+48 46 090.48.781274.77907Jerry's FUSE sampleC

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