SDSS Search 2018: Part VI Back to Interesting Follow-up Targets
By: Xinfeng Xu

This is a list of the interesting objects found with z > 2 with magnitude 18.65 < g < 18.80, epoch > 01/01/2011.

The search was done by REU students: Sean Collier, Sean Heston, and Jake Pighini and was checked by Nahum Arav.

The names of each object are linked to the PDF file of the SDSS spectra with the ions of each system identified. The blue system is considered the "main" system.

NOTE: Velocity is in units of 1000km/s. (e.g. 2.4 = 2400km/s) and flux is in units of 10e-17 ergs/s/cm2/A. If the rest wavelength of 1350 angstroms was not in the range, flux was identified at 1600 angstroms.

<1500 Dec
Objectfile nameredshiftRADecfluxdepthlineVdVgradeComments
SDSSJ0054+0027spSpec-57270-7872-642.fit2.49500:54:19.99 +00:27:27.94 11.50.77 SiIV -16.52.0A- High velocity. Wide SiIV. i=0.8
SDSSJ0152+0929spSpec-55564-4530-300.fit2.18901:52:44.16+09:29:50.18151.79SiIV-9.91.0A-Wide SiIV troughs. i = 0.5
SDSSJ0216+0115spSpec-57043-7830-301.fit2.22902:16:06.40+01:15:09.5991.94SiIV-4.00.6ADeep narrow SiIV. Definite outflow
SDSSJ0811+0223spSpec-55863-4787-432.fit2.25608:11:48.03+02:23:05.17112.30SiIV-4.10.9AVery deep. SiIV Delta-v about 1*10^3 km/s
>1500 Dec
SDSSJ0000+2442spSpec-57339-7666-127.fit2.05200:00:43.78+24:42:32.18170.81SiIV-6.22.4A-Deep blended SiIV. Might resolve for SIV.
SDSSJ0856+2843spSpec-56341-5182-266.fit2.33808:56:02.42+28:43:29.9016>3SiIV-4.33.0AVCut shows CII* deeper than CII so number density is >100. Also shows SiII* deeper than SiII so number density is >1000.Deep PV probable with i<0.5.
SDSSJ0919+3831spSpec-57448-8831-110.fit2.14409:19:44.85+38:31:55.89132.19SiIV-3.30.5B+Narrow SiIV
SDSSJ0946+3800spSpec-55622-4572-289.fit2.86509:46:02.24+38:00:59.38213.22SiIV-2.31.4A-System at z=2.033 bas wide and deep SiIV that looks 1:1. Also a high velocity CIV outflow at z=1.895 with an intervenening system on top of it.
SDSSJ1045+4223spSpec-57450-8365-598.fit2.71310:45:08.08+42:23:20.39170.41SiIV-9.00.4PV probable from VCut as it is similar in width to SiIV. SIV seems deeper or equal to SIV*.
SDSSJ1055+4042spSpec-55630-4629-952.fit2.15710:55:39.93+40:42:03.37202.71SiIV-4.41.0ADeep wide but seperated SiIV. good for northern telescope
SDSSJ1147+2938spSpec-56330-6406-918.fit3.33611:47:55.62 +29:38:53.95111.10SiIV-5.752.0A-Observed NeVIII and OIV. Very probable SIV and SIV*. Consistent with 1:1. Probable NIII. Excited deeper than resonance.
SDSSJ1251+2354spSpec-56312-5989-632.fit2.23412:51:08.10 +23:54:57.74150.81SiIV-4.02.0A-Good for northern telescope. Deep-narrow SiIV
SDSSJ2223+2644spSpec-56104-5956-237.fit2.21922:23:08.50+26:44:29.74111.61SiIV-10.01.7B+2000 km/s. wide SiIV at 10000km/s. i = 0.6
SDSSJ2355+2012spSpec-56945-7596-548.fit2.06823:55:07.29+20:12:01.29182.48SiIV-4.51.6A+Deep and wide SiIV

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